Sunday, 24 May 2009

Chelsea Flower Show

Went to the Chelsea Flower Show yesterday. First time so I was very surprised at how big it was.
I really enjoyed it. Most of the stands were so beautiful. I couldn't get over how much time and energy the contributors must have put in to get them so perfect.
The day before we had been to Oxford Street in London and I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of colours now in the shops. It seems we are in for a bright summer season.
So all in all it was a very bright couple of days.
So I didn't carry out any further work on YourNetBiz (my internet business) so will have to catch up next week.
There has been a tremendous lot of interest shown in the new set up and certainly I am very confident that we are going places. Up I mean!

Thought for today: Enjoy the weather whatever is happening. Rain or shine it is all necessary and lovely

Joke for today: Fortunely my parents were intelligent, enlightened people who accepted me for what I was--a punishment from God. Davis Steinberg

Have a great day because you deserve to


John Beaumont

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